Aluminium Sliding Doors
Aluminium Sliding Doors are made to measure and can be made in a choice of configurations to suit your requirements:.
Doors can be combined to create more complex constructions such as curtain walling, or screens to your exact specifications.

Aluminium Bi-fold Doors
Aluminium Bi-fold Doors can be designed to fit almost any space, size, or configuration using up to 8 door leaves. Available in maximum sizes to facilitate the design of folding doors up to a very impressive 3m in height.

Aluminium Tilt & Turn Doors
Aluminium Tilt & Turn Doors are made to measure and can be made in a choice of configurations to suit your requirements: single or double opening door, direct glazed sidelights and combination frames.
Doors can be specified as fixed, opening in, tilt, or tilt & turn. Doors can be combined to create more complex constructions such as curtain walling, or screens to your exact specifications.

French Casement Aluminium Doors
Aluminium French Casement Doors are made to measure and can be made in a choice of configurations to suit your requirements: single or double opening door, direct glazed sidelights and combination frames.
Doors can be combined to create more complex constructions such as curtain walling, or screens to your exact specifications.

Timber Sliding Doors
Timber Sliding Doors are made to measure and can be made in a choice of configurations to suit your requirements.
Opening doors can be specified as opening in, tilt and slide. Different units can be combined to create more complex constructions such as curtain walling or screens, to your exact specifications.

Timber Bi-fold Doors
Timber Bi-fold Doors can be designed to fit almost any space, size, or configuration using up to 16 door leaves. Available to a maximum sizes of 16m wide to facilitate the design of up to 8 folding doors on each side, up to 2.5m in height.

French Casement Timber Doors
Timber French Casement Doors are made to measure and can be made in a choice of configurations to suit your requirements: single or double opening door, direct glazed sidelights and combination frames.
Doors can be combined to create more complex constructions such as curtain walling or screens, to your exact specifications.